1Dec, World Aids Day. The aids thingy has been a hot topic recently. Mainly because of the Channel 8 drama tittled
Bu Fan De Ai. More people are aware of aids now. Hehe.
The first thing that will pop out in everyone's mind when u mention about aids will be SEX. Sex is the main cause of aids. Having casual sex, too many sexual partners or whatever will get aids!!
Advices from MISTER JOVAN!
#1. Practice safe sex :D
#2. Do not be involve in casual sex!
#3. Not to have many sexual partners
#4. Be loyal to your spouse.
HAHAHAHA! Safe sex is very important and I think my house promotes safe sex. It is just so easy and simple for me to get a condom at home! There is one packet behind my bed.
haha. I think it is very cool! haha.
Teenagers has also become part of Aids. Teens have AIDS, its not just the adult and the gay disease! Singapore education sytem used to promote NO SEX, but now it's more on SAFE SEX. The difference is great and I think we should really take this chance to think about it.
Do not let Aids ruin your life :D