Simply BigShot.
You don't know how BIG I am.
Nice pals.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Today was suppose to go celebrate Dionis' birthday de. However, she has got badminton training. haha! Supposingly Me, Darrel, Vanessa will go celebrate lah. BUT! It was just so COINCIDENT that me, vanessa and darrel met each other.
Probably its fate. They are really good friends okay? =) I alighted from the train @ Tampines after school and i saw Vanessa. So, we got together and talk all the way to the bus interchange. I saw my bus, i went for it, but i was too slow. So vanessa was already Q-ing in her bus lane. So... I was around Vanessa trying to peep at her? LOL! No. I was around her waiting for bus. AND! DARREL CAME! He was like "hey! Jovan Yeo! i broke my specs.. " LOL!!! He wasnt wearing specs. He is shuai without specs k?? heeehe. we, 3, then took bus 28 together. ;) GUESS WHAT? We saw TEO WEN RUI!! LOL!
They are really good friends lo! Although we will like bully each other and say stuffs like "u so fat!" "Homo PIG" etc. etc. But its nice to be together and we wouldnt mind making fun of each other, unlike some people. And we talk very very Openly.
WHEEEEEEE! I love them!