Simply BigShot.
You don't know how BIG I am.
Sinagpore Botanical Garden
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Botanical Garden
-Virgin experience :)
Long long time ago (yesterday), a man from Korea who's hometown is Tokyo, visited the Singapore Botanical Garden.
He was lost and don't know where to go....
He saw a photographer and asked him to "SNAP ME"

He called for help...

FINALLY! He found a signboard. He was so HAPPY!
The man that is from Tokyo, Korea suddenly turned into a Taiwanese man.
He met a bunch of people from class 2D and went to join them.

We had sandwiches together and even played the game of LIFE!
Muffins for everyone! Muffins replaced the birthday cakes for our dear friends Jeanette, Benedict and Marcus.
We love the Sun. A Group photo is IMPORTANT!
Now, the Taiwanese man turned back into Jovan Yeo that is from class 2D. :)

Jovan was outside the Botnanical Garden and was about to leave but the strong winds blew and.....