September 27, 2005
SINGAPORE schools have begun a clampdown on students who insult teachers in online journals by punishing them with suspensions,a newspaper reported on Tuesday, Sept 27.
In August, five junior college students who posted derogatory remarks about their teachers and vice-principal on their blogs, or online journals, were suspended for three days, the Straits Times reported.
Seven secondary schools and two junior colleges have also got tough on penalised students for making offensive remarks about teachers on blogs: one secondary school student who called a teacher a "prude" and a "frustrated old spinster" on her blog was ordered to remove the remarks.
Blogging, writing in online journals, has become huge popular among the young in tech-savvy Singapore, where over 65 percent of the city-state's 4.2 million people are wired to the Internet.
But with libellous blogs emerging as a hot legal issue, one has to be careful with what is written.
In May, a Singapore student shut down his blog after a government agency threatened to sue for what it said were untrue and serious accusations.
In September, three ethnic Chinese bloggers were charged in court under Singapore's sedition laws for making racial slurs against the Malay community on their weblogs.
Lawyers say students could be sued for defamation, even if a teacher was not named.
"As long as someone is able to identify the teacher, and it is an untrue statement that affects his reputation or livelihood, then the student is liable," lawyer Doris Chia of Harry Elias and Partners was quoted as saying in the Straits Times.
An injunction can be taken to get the student to remove the blog and issue an apology, she said.
I got this news report while surfing the net for Singapore top bloggers to learn more from them. This article really caught my eyes and i decided to copy and post it. I dont think anyone here can identify which teachers I was talking about. Haha! I really do hope that you guys will read the article properly and think twice next time when u want to post something silly on the blog.
-Smiles always
Jovan aka. Koshiru
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